quick reference listings for UK live music and literature events

Friday, May 11, 2007

Saturday, 12 May: The Cellar @ The Poetry Cafe

This month at the Cellar there are sets from two stellar (or should that be Stella...) performance poets.
First up we get a visit from Aisle 16 superstar and Liverpool poetry scene supremo, Ross Sutherland. Expect surrealistic satires where the protagonists overcome a sea of troubles and live happily ever after...in Ikea.
We also have another set from the brilliant and unpredictable Niall McDevitt. Hot off the heels from his Blake 250th anniversary celebrations this bodhran bashing bard should be on sizzling form.
Niall O'Sullivan will be your patchy, inconsistent, but well meaning and harmless host. He'll be quite charming if he isn't pissed off at the audience for not clapping enough. He is currently writing about himself in the third person.
Floor spots are available for nice people that turn up before the show, the ones that burst through the curtain demanding a spot with five minutes to go before the end will be treated cordially and then laughed at after they leave.

The Cellar
Once a month (second Saturday) @ The Poetry Cafe
22 Betterton Street
Covent Garden /Holborn tube
£5/3 concs and floor spots